Nurturing Mummy Circle
Come and join our Nurturing Mummy Circle, a group exclusively for Mums, Mums to be and those that identify as a mother.
It is a safe place to come along to and share your parenting journey. Do you feel anxious, overwhelmed or are you looking to make new friendships with other mums? Becoming a parent is a life changing event, whether this is your first child or your second or third. Coming along to a Mummy Circle gives you a safe, non-judgmental space to share your parenting worries, talk about your highs and lows, with others that are negotiating the same path. In this group you will be listened to and heard, build friendships with others, learn some lovely relaxation techniques that you can practice whenever you get that sense of overwhelm, share your parenting achievements as well. If you are a mum to be you can come along and share any anxieties that you may be feeling around birth and parenthood, knowing that this supportive group is there to help one another, knowing that you are the best parent for your baby.