Nurturing Mamma & Baby Circle
Join us for Nurturing Mamma & Baby in Nature, in the grounds of Butchers Coppice and come together in nature.
Fledgling Love Bumps and Babies in Nature is a class for parents to be and parents with babies to come together in nature. This class gives the opportunity to create connected experiences with nature from the earliest of days.
One of the great benefits of being in nature is that it stimulates our senses. For babies this is an amazing experience as so many things are new and unknown, making these new discoveries so exciting.
Enjoy the ‘quiet’ of nature that calms our sensory systems and clears the mind.
This is a ‘safe space’, coming together each week in a ‘Mummy Circle’ to share our highs, lows, worries and achievements. It is a place to come and talk to others that are on the same journey, sharing stories and looking after one another’s mental health. It is the place for ‘mummy’s to just be’, holding space for one another and enjoying the companionship of the circle, forming friendships with other mummies in the circle.
Babies are curious about everything and so nature provides an abundance of learning experiences which support babies brain development.
Babies are curious about everything and so nature provides an abundance of learning experiences which support babies brain development.
Touch is about bringing the awareness to how we feel. Hugging a tree means you get up close and personal with phytoncides which are antimicrobial essential oils that protect trees from germs and help to boost mood, immune system function, stress and anxiety and even increase creativity.
Exposure to the natural oils, microbes and spores in the forest may help to boost a baby’s immune system, supporting a healthier childhood. A relaxed parent helps to relax a baby, so having time in nature helps babies to grow in a more relaxed environment.
Although this is an outdoor class, in the colder winter months we will be bringing the Mummy circle inside. We will still use the outdoor area but will spend time relaxing and talking inside as well. Refreshments and biscuits will be served in the session.
A typical class involves:
Forest bathing:
Forest bathing is all about slowing down. Walk and engage in nature, connecting with your senses. Take 5 minutes to tune into your body and your breath. Notice the smell, the breeze on your face, the sounds of the forest.
Nature Mandala:
Enjoy the ‘quiet’ of nature that calms our sensory systems and clears the mind.
Grounding Techniques:
We introduce a mindful practice by connecting to the breath and by awakening our senses. Mindfulness can bring a sense of peace; it allows you to feel more centred and grounded in the moment.
Mummy Circle
We will sit together in the circle, getting to know one another, sharing with one another our parenting journey with one another. Letting go of any stress we are carrying within us and knowing that tis is a ‘safe space ‘to come along to and share each week. We will finish each session with some relaxation and meditation or a poem, so that we leave feeling happy and at peace.