Come and join our Hypnobirthing course for Bournemouth and Poole
Hypnobirthing is a technique that gives you the tools you need to be in control of your body have an empowering birth.
Hypnobirthing will allow you to take control of your birth. Giving you the confidence to make informed decisions about the type of birth you would like, and how you want to precede if things do not go to plan.
Most women have a fear of childbirth and through hypnobirthing we change the deeply buried subconscious thoughts that you will have picked up throughout your life, surrounding birth.
If you can change your beliefs and thoughts about birth to ones that are positive, you can have a calm mind and feel in control and positive when birthing your baby.
You will learn how hypnosis works and will be able to listen to positive affirmations every day. Listening to the affirmations and Calm Birth School Scripts that are provided to you, will help you to create new positive memories surrounding birth and this can override the old subconscious memories of birth that your memory has stored away.
We will look at all aspects of birth, and you will learn that you can have a comfortable and manageable birth. By training your mind to think positively about birth, watching positive birth videos and discussing how you would like your birth to be. Thinking about the environment, how you can feel most relaxed and comfortable. The things that will align with you so that you are able to birth in a calm and peaceful environment.
We will teach you how to breath, learning breathing techniques to relax the body and release any anxiety, calming the mind and body. Allowing the oxytocin and endorphins to flow through the body, giving you a calm birthing experience.
Coming along to our hypnobirthing classes will allow you to broaden your knowledge surrounding birth and the positive impact that can be achieved by training your mind to think positively. Refreshments, cakes and biscuits are served during the class.