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Tummy Time and Baby Play

Come and join us for Tummy Time and Baby Play Fun in Bournemouth and Poole

Why do Tummy Time Play?

Tummy time supports brain development and cognitive development for learning.

Prevents flat head syndrome, baby is not putting pressure on the back of the head, whilst in tummy time play.

Supports the development of the spine and develops the neck and back muscles for head control.

Develops shoulder stability for crawling.

Promotes the motor milestones-rolling, sitting, crawling, standing, walking.

Promotes visual perception and hand/eye coordination.

Develops the palmar arches of the hands for fine motor skills.

Develops the core muscles needed for rolling, sitting, crawling and standing.

Promotes sensory processing skills.

Encourages hip dissociation for a variety of movements and develops stability.

Its a fun activity to do with baby and promotes bonding and attachnent.


Tummy Time and Sensory Fun Bournemouth and Poole
Fledgling Love Tummy Time and Sensory Fun

Sensory fun activates and stimulates baby’s senses, helping to build nerve connections in the brains pathways, stimulating neutrons in the brain to make connections. Each week we will have a new theme and a selection of Tummy Time and Sensory toys and equipment for baby to explore, creating lots of developmental play and fun for baby. We also enjoy some singing at the end of each session and add in some fun baby yoga movements for baby along with swing and dip songs, helping strengthen baby’s core muscles, aiding speech and language development and having lots of fun together.

This is a very relaxed and friendly class, refreshments and biscuits are served during class, giving parents the chance to build friendships and share their parenting journey together.

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